Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Clarkson prof works to modernize NY state's energy grid

A big reason the electrical grid needs to get smarter is to incorporate energy from renewable sources like the wind and sun. 
In practice, that would mean controlling the grid so that it uses renewable energy sources as its first choice, and relies on traditional sources as a backup when the sun isn't shining or the wind isn't blowing. 

by Joanna Richards

Potsdam, NY, Nov 27, 2012 —Governor Andrew Cuomo recently announced New York would invest $250 million to develop smart grid technologies to modernize the state's energy grid. 

 IBM has just awarded a Clarkson University professor working on smart energy grid systems a $10,000 grant to help him continue his research, and develop coursework for students to train the next generation to use this hot technology.


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