Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Anti-wind summer residents controlling town

Anti-wind summer residents controlling town


Over the years Cape Vincent has been taken over by the wealthy summer homeowners, who have changed the financial base for our school aid. Summer residents were convinced to change their electoral vote to Cape Vincent by anti-wind people. Today our town board, Planning Board and Zoning Board are all run by non-native citizens of Cape Vincent who are against wind.

They are now in the process of drafting new zoning laws and comprehensive plans to meet their needs. They are overly burdensome with large setbacks and stringent restrictions made largely by emotions, not facts. Even though the Zogby poll and the Jefferson County survey showed that the larger percentage of citizens were in favor of wind, the antis just don’t want them!

For years our farmers in Cape Vincent have been struggling, and wind turbines would help them financially with clean green energy.

A wind farm in Cape Vincent would help the economy by lowering taxes to encourage new homeowners, help our struggling school system from losing our elementary school, provide jobs for many and still be able to keep our lake and river as a recreational resort — a win-win solution.

I have been a member of Voters for Wind for seven years promoting clean green energy. I am not a recipient for a turbine, but wholly support wind for a much-needed clean green energy solution, for the health and welfare of all.

Marlene Burton

Cape Vincent

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