Original letter at end of this post.
Peter Gross.
Senior Director – Strategic Projects
BP Wind Energy NA Inc.
700 Louisiana
Street, 33RD Floor
Huston, TX 77002
Email: Peter .Gross@bp.com
Direct Dial(731) 354-2107
Senior Director – Strategic Projects
BP Wind Energy NA Inc.
700 Louisiana
Street, 33RD Floor
Huston, TX 77002
Email: Peter .Gross@bp.com
Direct Dial(731) 354-2107
February 6, 2012.< Mr. Urban Hirschey Supervisor. Town of Cape Vincent PO Box 680. Cape Vincent, New York 3618 Dear Supervisor Hirschey: I am writing to inform you that BP wind energy has acquired the assets of the St. Lawrence wind farm and is now carrying out a detailed review of how best to merge these assets with BP's proposed Cape Vincent wind farm. By merging these assets under a single owner, BP creates greater flexibility to develop a project that generates significant economic benefits to the community and provides economies of scale that improve the competitiveness of the project in the power markets. At BP, throughout the planning stage of each new wind farm, we assess the potential social, environmental and conservation impacts of our projects and take steps to reduce impacts through engagement with the community, engineering design, technology and other elements. We look forward to continuing this process with the local communities of Cape Vincent, Lyme and throughout Jefferson County. We anticipate that an expanded Cape Vincent wind farm could produce approximately 200 megawatts(MW). This would require BP to invest in excess of $300 million. When operational, the expanded Cape Vincent wind farm would deliver an additional $1.7 million per year to be divided between the School District's the Town of Cape Vincent and the County. The project will pay lease and royalty payments to landowners, enabling them to supplement their income and remain stewards of their land. Approximately 250 - 300 workers would be employed at the peak of construction of the wind farm with workers, hired locally where possible, increasing the demand for local goods and services. Up to 15 permanent jobs will be created to monitor and maintain the wind facility when it becomes commercially operational. Together, we can make a Cape Vincent Wind Farm a win-win for the community and the environment. Please feel free to contact me at any time, and I will do my best to answer your questions. Sincerely, Peter Gross. Senior Director – Strategic Projects

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