Thursday, August 4, 2011

Vote to take back the Cape Vincent board

Vote to take back the Cape Vincent board


The Cape Vincent Town Board has been called a circus. The reasons are simple: conflict of interest, unethical behavior, secret meetings, slush fund ($160,000) and missing funds.

Don Mason, Marty Mason and Mickey Orvis are the circus. Their three votes control everything, including who will be on the Planning Board. As you have seen at the last appointments, these same three men appointed Patrick McCarthy, who never showed up for an interview. Then he quit. Also, appointed to the Planning Board was Tom Rienbeck after the people voted him out as supervisor, and he also quit. These three men also have condoned Chairman Richard Edsal’s arrogant, disrespectful treatment of the people at the meetings. The board demands respect and rightfully so, but don’t the people, taxpayers deserve the same courtesy? The Town Board has 60 days to name a Planning Board chairman. I wonder who Mason, Mason and Orvis will pick? How can they vote on whom to put on the lead agency (the Planning Board) when they have signed a contract to help the wind companies and are receiving funds from them. Imagine that.

It’s been said the Republican Party has been hijacked. Why? Because we have more people going to the meetings. We have a fundraising committee with money in it. We also have good candidates running. Remember, folks, the good ole boys, the Republican co-chairmen, refused to endorse or help their candidates in the last election. Now one of them, Marty Mason, wants your vote. Right.

Folks, let’s hijack our town board. We can start in September with the primary. Vote Urban Hirschey, Clifford Schneider, John Byrne and Colleen Knuth. They are people who will represent us, the folks, not themselves, their families and friends.

I’ve written many letters asking what about the people? Now I have to ask, what’s wrong with us people? Folks, I know it’s much easier to voice your concerns to friends, family and neighbors, but it does little good. Not registering to vote, not voting and not attending the meetings is worse. Remember, by not getting involved we are condoning this corruption.

If you love this town as I do, please vote, voice your concerns, and we can take our town back, as we did the Republican Party.

In closing don’t refer to Mason, Mason and Orvis as clowns in this circus. Clowns are supposed to be amusing. These guys are not. These guys are messing with the biggest financial investment you have made, your home value, and that is not funny. With your help, and I’m begging you, help us shut down this circus. Help us bring back the respect and dignity the town of Cape Vincent once had.

Harry Landers Jr.

Cape Vincent

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