Wednesday, August 17, 2011

AG calls Cape Vincent resolution unconstitutional

 Watertowntimes AG TUESDAY, AUGUST 16, 2011
calls Cape Vincent resolution unconstitutional


At an editorial board meeting with the Watertown Daily Times, the state's lawyer said that he's glad he hasn't had to deal with Cape Vincent's law requiring that voters have driver's licenses with CV addresses.

"Because it's unconstitutional," Mr. Schneiderman said.

So that should put this puppy to rest.

For background: Cape Vincent is in the middle of a fight over wind turbine projects. To outsiders, wind turbines seem like the most inoffensive source of energy ever — wind can't be depleted, and it's not like wind turbines are going to throw the Earth of its axis (for the culturally unhip: The Onion is satire).   link here to read entire story


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