Sunday, February 20, 2011

Wind company puppet Letter

 Wind company puppet


This letter is in response to the many that Harvey White has written.

The biggest puppet this town has seen is Tom Rienbeck. He has always been a wind-company puppet. Those "confidential" letters and memos from the wind companies were stamped "confidential" because the wind company lawyers told puppet Tom to do so. What the wind companies and puppet Tom were trying to keep hidden was just how much the wind companies were running the town board and the Planning Board.

Supervisor Urban Hirschey ran on an open government platform because the "Rienbeck gang" refused to disclose anything. The documents released clearly show the back-room planning and decision-making puppet Tom Rienbeck, Marty Mason, Don Mason, Joe Wood and Mickey Orvis were involved in.

Harvey (if that's who is really writing those letters, many of us think not) is getting paid right now by a wind company. He has a signed contract. He is one of the 3.9 percent of Cape Vincent residents who will benefit from these wind turbines. Urban has opened the books, and what did he find?

Scott McCarthy

Cape Vincent

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