Monday, June 1, 2009

Cape Vincent officials ignoring certain laws

Watertown Daily Times | Cape Vincent officials ignoring certain laws

MONDAY, JUNE 1, 2009

Warning: the following letter contains a link to a video that may be disturbing to many who have laid their faith and trust in the local officials of Cape Vincent.

I could not believe my eyes when I went to a Cape Vincent Town Board meeting last month. The members seem to think state Attorney General Andrew Cuomo's guidelines, and New York state town laws are "a waste of time." They feel they are good for other communities but not Cape Vincent. I began to wonder what other laws don't apply to them. It should concern all residents that their elected officials only comply with the laws they feel are not a waste of their time, even if they come from the highest legal authority in New York, Attorney General Cuomo.

link here to view video

John Byrne

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