Sunday, September 7, 2008

We will pay for these windmills in many ways ~ Letter to the Editor

Watertown Daily Times | We will pay for these windmills in many ways

I read with interest the article about the Development Authority of the North Country (DANC) and the production of electricity from the production of methane gas. One thing is certain, the garbage is never going to go away and neither will the methane gas. One well-known fact: the wind does not blow 24 hours a day, but the methane gas is produced 100 percent of the time. I'm sure the landfills will receive tax incentives to utilize this gas and that tax money will stay right here.

We all complain about our jobs being outsourced to other countries. Well guess what, your tax dollar is being outsourced to these foreign countries for the windmills. National Grid is an English company and how many other countries own us?

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 Watertown Daily Times | We will pay for these windmills in many ways

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